On Thursday, March 26, we attended the presentation of two remarkable works by Jordi Oliver (“Maasai Project”) and Elisenda Pons (“For Sale”). The second work, which is also a splendid self-published book, and according to photographer’s words:
“is a voyage through the landscapes of the economic crisis. For the past four years I have followed the tracks left behind by the real estate bubble, the skeletal infrastructures that have been deserted, abandoned airports, blank billboards, etc. through the USA, Ireland, Greece, Spain and Portugal. Fascinating and almost surrealistic landscapes that reflect our society’s present day reality. The purpose of this project is to preserve the memory of our mistakes, because we need to understand the crisis in all of its magnitude and all of its consequences in order to truly move beyond it. The photographs serve as a path to reflection, always with a sense of irony and hope.”
Here are some shots taken during the evening.

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